Monday, August 9, 2010

Our School Home

This week at Heart of the Matter the Not Back to School Blog Hop continues with School Room Week.   We don't have one room set aside for school instead we have a school home.   Here are some pictures to help you visual how we've set things up.  

Disclaimer:   Time was not had for cleaning before these pictures were taken--so what you see is how things really are at my house.  

Globe sits on the window seat next to my mail basket.   We use it at least once a day.

Corner of the living room with our couches and computer desk.  If you look closely, you can also the pull-up bar hanging from the kitchen doorway.  

This is our dining room table.  This summer it has been used for a Heroscape field.   In a few weeks, it will revert back to a dining/ school table.

This is the TV and you know what?   Some days this is a very important part of school.   Shark Week, anyone!?

Anyone else have a lego room?

Here comes the good stuff--what every homeschool home needs lots of:

SHELVES, of course!

Don't forget the ones in the garage.

And the sad, sad ones in the upstairs hallway that the kids takecare of

And the all important bins.

And last, but certainly not lest---the favorite place for a homeschool mom to find a math book

On the floor!  

What does your school space look like?   Do you have a room set aside just for school or do you spread out a bit more?!


  1. Your game shelf looks just like ours! And yes, we have a Lego room, too!

  2. Wow .. look at all of your books! This being our first year, we have, like, 4! I'll be checking back with you when we get into our Ancient Greece study!

  3. Yep, gotta have shelves and lots of them!! Thanks for your comment on my blog! Have a great school year!

  4. LOL about the Lego room! My nephew has to keep his in a separate room so that his baby brother doesn't get into them.

  5. I think that is how my home is going to look like in a few years. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for stopping by BTW>

  6. LOVE, love, love your post! I am still laughing! Finally an honest person who didn't make their school things "sparkle". You know this is what all of our things look like at some point. :)

    Oh- we love shark week too!
    I am now following your blog and look forward to reading more.

  7. Yes. we have a "Lego Room" aka oldest son's bedroom. lol!!! Looks like a lot of fun at your house. Hope you have a good year.

  8. I love all your book shelves and storage spots!!! So many books...awesome!

    And the lego room...yep, I can SO relate!!!

  9. We have a lego room too!! I am loving those shelves. I have none. Not enough walls for shelves. :(

  10. I LOVE the way you use your entire home! That is so awesome....I use our home, but keep everything in the 'school' room...which is our favorite place! I'm too type A...trying to break out! Thanks for stopping by earlier, love your blog and will be back!

  11. Love that globe! We are total globe freaks at our house:) And you can never have too many bookcases/shelves, I say! I'm always wishing I had more.

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Great post!

  13. I have a love-hate relationship with Legos for exactly the reason in your photo!

  14. Loved your post. Thanks for sharing and for all the great pictures. A globe is definitely o my wish list....only maps and an atlas.

  15. Yay! Someone else with real life pics, too. I love seeing how other people use their space without a "school room." I can always use more ideas. Thanks for sharing with us!

  16. I love the Lego room. Ours looks just the same! Your house looks like a great place. It makes me start thinking about homeschooling again. I hope you guys are doing well.

  17. That's a Iot of legos! I love your globe and glass bookcase.

  18. I hear ya on the books and legos- can't ever have to many of those!!

    Looks like lots of fun is happening at your house. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  19. I like your homeschool house. We used to call our oldest sons' bedroom legoland cause it always had legos everywhere. After seeing all of your books I feel like a slacker.

  20. Thanks for all the lovely comments you'all! Briana--you are so not a slacker! Buying books is easy, now keeping my house clean is enough matter!

  21. WoW! My son could spend 3 weeks alone in the lego room - that is awesome!

    Love all your books!!

    Thanks for sharing.

  22. Thanks for keeping it real! I love to see all the clean fresh schoolrooms, but it is SO nice to see a house that looks lived in-like mine! Thanks for sharing =)

  23. First of all, thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind comments.
    I think a large portion of the homeschool community has a "lego room" - probably the non-homeschool community too. Lego's are hard to contain!
    I love the chin-up bar in the background. There is one in my living room door frame too.
    I read through some of your other posts. Have you considered Saxon math? I used it when I was a homeschooled highschooler. I felt it explained things very clearly, and kept them in my mind throughout the whole book with reviews. Thus, I still remembered what I had learned, even 2 or 3 months later.
    Feel free to respond to this post - it should link to my E-mail and I will give you more of my story if you want. Best of luck teaching highschoolers. I have a while until I have to worry about that, but since I was homeschooled myself I remember some of the challenges.

  24. Awesome blog post! Thank you for this. I LOVE your homeschool space. It's not perfectly placed, it's lived in. Just the way a home needs to be.


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