So, this year I decided to combine the two programs. E sticks with History Odyssey. He is old enough to remember the stories from SOTW from the last time we studied ancient history. A-M and I-E read SOTW together. I pick a few activities to go with each part of History Odyssey. Voila, best of both worlds!
Anyway, now to the part you cared about! I've matched up the chapters of SOTW with History Odyssey. I know that some ladies on TWTM forums have mentioned that they perfer to do the opposite---Follow SOTW and add in History Odyssey. To be honest, that does make more sense to me, but I didn't think about doing it that way before we started, so here we are. Perhaps next year, I will try it that way. So if you wish to do it that way, this list will still work--just complete the SOTW chapters in order and match them up to the History Odyssey lessons listed.
Lessons Listed are for History Odyssey and Chapters listed correspond with SOTW
Lesson 2---Chapter 1
Lesson 7---Chapters 3 and 7
Lesson 9---Chapters 2 and 4
Lesson 10---Chapter 12
Lesson 13---Chapter 13 and 14
Lesson 20---Chapter 11
Lesson 22---Chapter 8
Lesson 24---Chapter 17
Lesson 27---Chapter 10
Lesson 29---Chapters 32-33
Lesson 32---Chapter 6
Lesson 33---Chapter 14
Lesson 35---Chapter 38
Lesson 36---Chapter 39
Lesson 37---Chapter 37
Lesson 38---Chapter 15
Lesson 40---Chapter 26
Lesson 43---Chapter 9
Lesson 45---Chapters 31-32
Lesson 48---Chapter 21
Lesson 50---Chapter 19
Lesson 54---Chapter 20
Lesson 56---Chapter 22
Lesson 59---Chapter 23
Lesson 61---Chapter 24
Lesson 66---Chapter 25
Lesson 69---Chapter 27
Lesson 71---Chapter 29
Lesson 74---Chapter 34
Lesson 75---Chapter 35
Lesson 76---Chapter 36
Lesson 80---Chapter 28
Lesson 83---Chapter 41
Lesson 84---Chapter 40
Lesson 85---Chapter 42
The End!
Of course, not all of the chapters matched up perfectly with the lessons. So, if you find something that works better, please let me know.