Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Not Back to School A Day in the Life

Up at 6:00 AM--soon to be 5:00 AM
Oh, MY!!!!

Well, I am a bit later writing this post than planned, because I have been trying to adjust to my new days!   A morning person I am not.    My two oldest children, A-M and N, attend early morning seminary at 6:30 AM.   Last year, A-M had perfect attendance.   Even when she was sick and didn't head off to school, she went to seminary and sat in the back.   N went every morning with the exception of a few sick days.  My beloved husband plays basketball in the mornings three days a week, so he drove them those days, and a friend drove them the other days.   My point---I didn't get up until after A-M and N were gone for the day.   This year, N has asked if we can all get up together and eat breakfast before they leave.  Not an unreasonable request and yet I HATE GETTING UP EARLY!!  But you know what?  N only has one more year before he leaves for college and then year by year my other kids will be gone.   So, I am working on getting up early.   This week has been 6:00 and next week we will all get up at 5:00.  The biggest problem---I don't like going to bed early. All has gone well this week, except I fell asleep on the couch this afternoon at 4:00! 

Monday through Thursday
5:00--up for breakfast, scriptures, and chores
6:00--free time
7:00--school time, mornings will be the basics, such as math, language arts, scriptures, and memory work-- 
11:00--lunch, garden, swimming, and/or park time
12:30--history or science time
4:00--swim team

We have a Shakespeare class at 9:30-11:00.   I think we will go to the park afterwards for lunch and then on to the library to work on our school work. 

I'm still not sure when we will fit in art.  In the past, we have worked on it Friday afternoons.  This year, I don't think that will work, so we'll see when it fits in. 

In past years, I have planned my school days down to 15 minute increments.  This year, I'm turning ownership of the day over to my kids.  Friday is our first day of school, and I am going to have the kids sit down and plan out the schedule.   I'll post our schedules after Friday.  

I keep telling my kids that we will get use to our new early schedule in a few weeks.  Perhaps, if I repeat it a few more times I'll believe it.  

I will get use to getting up early.  

I will get use to getting up early. 

I will     





  1. Oh- I am sooo not a morning person either! And 5:00 am?? Never! lol Good luck with that. :)
    Thanks for sharing with us~ have a great day!

  2. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post. I am NOT a morning person either! Maybe it would help if my kids slept through the night! ;) Looking forward to what your children come up with for a schedule!

  3. I am sooo with you! I used to be a morning person, but that was when I still had enough estrogen. :o)

    I'm sure you will get used




    You're so funny!


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