N started school two weeks ago with his trig class at the college. And then we met with our beloved Mrs. Stout who helped set up a plan for the year that puts N on track to graduate at the end of this school year. He went home with his packet of work for his first high school class of the school year, 11th-grade english. This last Tuesday A-M started her second year of school at Foothill. She's taking drama, dance, honors english, algebra II, honors world history, honors chemistry, and honors spanish. Busyiness has already filled her world.
Today began our homeschool. In the past, I've taken great pleasure in planning our schedule and fitting together like a puzzle how we would use each minute of the day. You know what? I must be tired, because this year I turned this aspect of our school over to my cute not-so-littles.
Most of our first day consisted of them planning out next week and fitting in when they would work on each subject.
We'll start out our days with Memory Time (from 7-7:45) all together.
E-R's schedule
8:00-9:00----Read Lit book and free reading
9:00--9:30---Math lesson
9:30--10:15---Language arts with I-E and mom
10:15--11:00---Thinking skills
12:00-12:30---Homework time*
* Homework is anything she is assigned such as math and english lessons.
Next week science isn't scheduled but in future weeks will alternate with history time.
This planning was very stressful for E-R, but I am sure that is will be much become much easier for her in future weeks. I also think she will have much more time during her day than she thinks to work on her math and english.
E's schedule
6:00-7:00---Free time or math
7:00-7:45---Memory Time
8:00-9:00---Work with Mom on Language Arts
9:00-10:00---Homework for Language Arts
On Fiday--Instead of History, Art
I-E's schedule
6:00-7:00---Building Thinking Skills
7:00-7:45---Memory Work
8:00-8:30---Lit reading
9:00-9:30---Math Lesson
9:30-10:15---Language Arts with Mom
10:15-11:00---Monday The Story of Western Civilazation, Tuesday through Friday Homework
Then on Monday, Wednesday,and Friday---shower!
Over-all our scheduling time was a bit stressful, but E did say that he enjoyed planning out his time. I-E said that now she realizes why I spent those three weeks hunkered down with the computer planning out our year. Isn't a little stress worth-it, when it brings about some gratitude for mom and her work?
We did complete some math and history, but the highlight of the day was our Dig! Discover!Display! Kit. It has become a tradition to start out our school year with one of these kits. This year E picked the crystal mine kit for us to kick off the school year.
The kids have exspecially been looking forward to this Friday for a reason that has nothing to do with school. Papa will be home after a long two weeks working in Europe! They plan to take him to Jamba Juice when he gets back into town!
How was your school experience this week?